- IProcessParameterListener - add onInit methodIDEMPIERE-6466Nicolas Micoud
- Hide Jetty version from
- Error 500 if you click fast on recent itemsIDEMPIERE-6463
- On workflow, Allowing to set multiple variables on User choice, set variable and user task type nodeIDEMPIERE-6460
- active a asset without Activation DateIDEMPIERE-6455
- Matching PO-Receipt-Invoice Mode="Matched" not showing MR in Receipt pane.IDEMPIERE-6454
- Height of line is not correct with Image fieldIDEMPIERE-6453
- XML parsers should not be vulnerable to XXE attacksIDEMPIERE-6447Heng Sin Low
- Double allocation when payment reversed.IDEMPIERE-6444
- Add default fallback foreign key to Copy Client (FHCA-6009)IDEMPIERE-6441Carlos Ruiz
- Add "Hide on Zero" to Document Status (Activities)IDEMPIERE-6435Carlos Ruiz
- Auto-Generated Search Key Can Collide with Manually Set Search KeyIDEMPIERE-6434
- Fill Getting Started boxIDEMPIERE-6433
- Auto Provisionig of User in case of SSOIDEMPIERE-6430Deepak Pansheriya
- Improve info window with editable columnIDEMPIERE-6427
- service cache make wrong order of service ranking (IInfoFactory case)IDEMPIERE-6425
- Outdated code in WPaySelectIDEMPIERE-6424
- A field in the process dialog evaluates 'Default Logic' differently from 'ReadOnly/Display Logic, Mandatory Logic, GridField.backupValue'IDEMPIERE-6423
- Payment Print/Export make dupplicate when has 3 login language and bpartner has non-base languageIDEMPIERE-6418
- implement Payment Selection (manual) as info windowIDEMPIERE-6416
- Improve record info UI on mobile viewIDEMPIERE-6414zuhri utama
- Visually differentiate environmentsIDEMPIERE-6413Carlos Ruiz
- Ristricting maximum records can be exported from window, report and info window per roleIDEMPIERE-6410
- Locator Type issue with POS and Production - avoid complete documentIDEMPIERE-6405
- MAllocationHdr.reverseAccrualIt swallows process messageIDEMPIERE-6395
- when importing a bankstatement from i_bankstatement import ordered by line numberIDEMPIERE-6393
- Issue with folders in user favorite disappearingIDEMPIERE-6392
- Move AmtInWords to an OSGi interfaceIDEMPIERE-6390
- Adding a quote to sales opportunity is impossibleIDEMPIERE-6377Lukas Heidbreder
- Allow certain products to not use Date Material Policy for storage recordsIDEMPIERE-6376
- NPE on Menu Search if you press Enter too fastIDEMPIERE-6374
- Tab Popup Menu not appear consistentlyIDEMPIERE-6372
- Generic Info window shows all columns exists in tab as fieldIDEMPIERE-6366Deepak Pansheriya
- Failed to select match invoice in asset addition windowIDEMPIERE-6363Vitor Henrique Santos
- Theme Selector on LoginIDEMPIERE-6356Carlos Ruiz
- Workflow responsible type Initiator and SupervisorIDEMPIERE-6346Deepak Pansheriya
- Info Window remains open when closing a window with ALT+X ShortcutIDEMPIERE-6340
- PackIn of Additional SystemUsers with standard System-User-Role not possible (id=0 evokes a key not Null constraint error)IDEMPIERE-6325
- Implement markdown for text editorIDEMPIERE-6322
- Workflow node transition can refer to itselfIDEMPIERE-6320
- Removing preference context variables without prefixIDEMPIERE-6319
- can't drag&drop file to preview panel on wattachment for case use AMedia (image, text, xml, pdf, json)IDEMPIERE-6313
- Match invoice accounting duplicate qty when there is price variance in Product Asset LedgerIDEMPIERE-6312Deepak Pansheriya
- Fix calculated values for script columns in print formatsIDEMPIERE-6310Murilo Habermann Torquato
- Multiple SSO provider supportIDEMPIERE-6304
- Constraint Error deleting process customization with parametersIDEMPIERE-6292Vitor Henrique Santos
- The mirrored target platform should incorporate the source codeIDEMPIERE-6274
- Enable iDempiere Installation on Oracle Autonomous Database (ADB) in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)IDEMPIERE-6269
- Voiding a invoice does not update invoice tax.IDEMPIERE-6265Vitor Henrique Santos
- Dynamic Validation per Table doesn't work if table is View.IDEMPIERE-6261
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