<1000000> IDs in webui problem


Hello according to <1000000> IDs in webui problem



We reproduced the problem on test.idempiere.org
1.Login as a Admin..
2.Open Role GW Admin, Check GW Admin Role Org Acces Tab - view in grid all organizations.
3. Open Window Organizations, Create 10 New organizations.
4. Create 2 New Roles Test1, Test2.., to first give OrgAcces for Store Central and Test1 (new org). For second role give accer for Store CEntral and Test2 org.
Initially I want to create 10 users for the 10 new roles - everyone with acces to only 1 role, but the bug is showd up in 2nd Role.
5. When I'm trying to add for Role Test 2 after sucessfully adding StoreCentral orgacces Test 2 organization to organization access, it Showd Up error Message Fill mandatory field. (i was selected test2 orginazation.)
6. When you go to organizations, and check Test10,9 OrgInfo tab, there are <1000010><1000009> numbers.

The next problem caused by this bug is if there will be User (Test10) - with role test10 and test10 orgaccess, and he login in this state of server, he cant create new records, because te @#Ad_Org_ID@ is not filled in as defaultvalue.

With , we tested Adempiere CCache initialCapacity change to test where can be the problem. On our enviroment. In case of just 1 minute (120 default) the problem showed up just after login the second user with other orgaccess. - the user was not able to create new records just 3 minute after server restart. after change ccache to 1500 minute last night, and loggin in first as admin with have access to all organizations - and opened windows organizations to have all values cached in it's now workind 1 hour- but after 1.30m not. .

many thanks for help and identifiing problem.

please core developers to test this







Ladislav Nagy October 13, 2015 at 9:51 PM

no, i didn't run cache reset., tomorow I'll test with cache reset once again. thank you

Carlos Ruiz October 13, 2015 at 9:34 PM

The first is a known harmless issue on organization window, after reopening the window everything must be ok.

For the second - did you run Cache Reset? Adding an organization requires Cache Reset most of the times.

Ladislav Nagy October 13, 2015 at 9:01 PM

but just try to create 2 users and 2 organizations in a row on https://test.idempiere.org/webui/, and on detail tab the <1000001> shows up

and the same in https://demo.globalqss.com/webui/
in the next step I created role (on 2.1) ROLE1, and add OrgAccess for Org1 -> the Organization name is missing in grid view ( not in form view)

test case from commnet work in 2.1 and 3.0, but there are some complications while creating roles and org access, (maybe a cache reset solve this problem after creating org) and when I open busines partners 1created under org1 and the second under org2, admin doesnt see orgnanization names ...

so now i'm not sure it is a final patch..

Ladislav Nagy October 13, 2015 at 8:40 PM

Sorry Carlos, I think something was not cleaned in my source, (really not understand how, i was check the applied patch in eclipse, then debug – it started work with my source, when i switched back workspace after first test on official devel source....)
but now i've tested my cases next 12 times, 6 in official development, 6 in my branch and now it looks work really fine. (i've tested cases by //removing lines 407,755 and realy this made it work)
thank you, fix confirmed.

Carlos Ruiz October 13, 2015 at 6:59 PM

Thanks , I tried to reproduce the issue following the steps provided but everything worked fine.

Can you please check the scenario in one of the test servers:
https://demo.globalqss.com/webui (2.1)
https://test.idempiere.org/webui (3.0)

Ladislav Nagy October 13, 2015 at 6:28 PM

Hello, in our enviroment this new patch doesn't work. (v3 devel.)
test case which fail.
3++ (or more) organizations. A, B, .........., Shared
userA has access to A and Shared, userB to B and Shared, .....
Admin has access to ALL.

when userA log in and open business partners, its all ok. logout
when userB log in and open business partners he don't see organization other then Shared org, his own org is in <1000...>. If he try to create new bpartner (he is logged in in Org B), he can't create new record, because the ad_org_id is not filled.- and he cant edit any field (ignore, logout)
when admin log in and open bpartners, in the list he see only org A, org Shared and <10000..> for all other organizations.

i'm going to test this in clean idempiere.

thank you.

Carlos Ruiz October 11, 2015 at 5:44 PM

Committed eaa9028 - please confirm if it solves the problem

Ladislav Nagy October 9, 2015 at 10:55 AM

it looks, after a while, cache is cleaned up, and showd all organizations. but when I login as SuperUser as GW Admin, open organizations, create new, on tab organization info the <10000011> show immediatly. when i chcech organization in other window, for example Role Org access tab, there is missin text with name of organization.







Affects versions


Created October 9, 2015 at 6:59 AM
Updated December 1, 2015 at 11:03 PM
Resolved October 11, 2015 at 5:44 PM