ESC keyboard shortcut missing
is blocked by
Carlos Ruiz February 16, 2021 at 9:27 AM
This ticket can be closed as is being worked with IDEMPIERE-4410, and

Diego Ruiz August 13, 2020 at 11:19 AM
Rethinking what I proposed yesterday. I think a user preference flag would be a better approach rather than a SysConfig. This sounds like an option that depends on the user and not on the client.
Carlos Ruiz August 13, 2020 at 11:12 AM
As an example about how sensitive can be to choose ESC as shortcut for close (it is OK for cancel):
The MS link mentioned there was moved:
Anyways - if made configurable is OK, but that reinforces that the default to close windows must not be Esc.

Heng Sin Low August 13, 2020 at 2:06 AM
As it is, it is not that difficult to make the close window key configurable using ad_sysconfig. Just 2 place to change - keyListener.setCtrlKeys (line 256 at AdempiereWebUI) and the onCtrlKeyEvent method of ADWindowToolbar (line 774).
There’s no way we can accept the current pull request into core - while you have users that’s used to ESC for many users, equally, others will have users that’s used to Alt-X for many years as well.

Diego Ruiz August 12, 2020 at 7:42 PM
Hi ,
--ad1. press Alt-X you need left hand (usually used it for calling)
Alt-X uses the same hand as ESC, it is on the same side of the keyboard. If the users can hit the ESC key with the right hand, they surely can hit ALT-X as well.
--My most important point is A. follow principle of generalisation - for all closing operation use same shortcut (modals, windows, tabs, info, forms etc.) B. allow change Alt-X o ESC.
I don’t see how this principle applies to this case, it is not about generalization because the components being closed have a different nature. For instance, when you are on eclipse or almost any other application, if you open a modal window you can close it with ESC, but you cannot close the tabs with the same key because they are different components and that is not the expected behavior.
I want to be clear. I understand your problem, you have your customers for many years and they got used to closing windows with ESC, they won’t expect that to change because of the upgrade, that is understandable that you want to keep it like that. However, what we are discussing here is the value added to the community, and so far the feedback from the community is that the idea is accepted partially.
I was just giving my opinion on the topic, the ideal solution would be customizable shortcuts, another idea is to do that through a SysConfig with a default to ‘N', that means by default the system behaves as it does until now and if somebody changes that SysConfig to 'Y’, users can close everything with ESC.
The options I’m mentioning above are just suggestions that I think would make it easier for the feature to get into the core, which will allow you to reduce the migration costs in the future because you keep inline with the core code.
Best regards,
Diego Ruiz

Tested By

atm not possible to close windows by ESC keyboard shortcut, examples:
1. simple popup, like changelog popup
2. info window search windows.
3A. tab - window
3B. tab - process
3C. tab - form
3D. tab- info window
this is something really speed up user work.
ideally i would like imagine a scenario, when user has opened 10 tabs, some windows, and a popup and starts with closing first popup and system able to close all windows and tabs (in chain) and at last ask for logout.
how many time you estimate ? wdyt others ?