Read only Chosen Multiple Selection List fields can be updated using Assistant
Nicolas Micoud December 19, 2023 at 1:58 PM
Hi ,
Indeed, my fault → in my tests, AD_Column.isUpdateable was = N.
Is ok for me
Carlos Ruiz December 19, 2023 at 1:31 PM
- I’m not finding what you reported.
I’m doing the following test:
this 2pack adds three fields to Test window with read-only logic that just allows to edit the fields when the record is new, it becomes read-only after saved
I see everything working fine with those changes (in master).
Nicolas Micoud December 19, 2023 at 6:08 AM
Hi ,
I may have miss something but when opening the Assistant against a 'Chosen Multiple Selection List' field, I'm not able to select items.
I think is because of line 833 of WChosenboxListEditor:
boolean isEditable = gridField.isEditable(true);
In my tests, isEditable is always false (I added a column on Test table and the record was active, so isEditable should be true, right?).
If I force it to true, I can select and order items in a single panel, which is fine.
Otherwise, I noticed a little layout issue in the confirm panel, with the bottom of the buttons which is not shown:
Carlos Ruiz December 18, 2023 at 4:01 PM
Hi /
Assistant for table and search was added with
Can you please check/test the pull request 2147, it still shows the Assistant but in a non-editable mode.
Nicolas Micoud December 18, 2023 at 7:08 AM
Hi ,
Yes, assistant is back
Is not available when the field is readonly or not updateable (when record is already saved).
But is not available when a new record is created and the field is not updateable
Moreover, it is also available when the current record is inactive
So, wondering if using GridField.isEditable is a good idea.
Wouldn’t be better to add a isShowAssistant (similar to isShowPreference) where all use cases will be referenced?
Step to reproduce:
set a field as Read Only
open the window with the field ; you cannot change the value directly
Right click / Assistant : from there you can change selected items and save ; which should not be authorized