Automated javadoc generation
relates to
Carlos Ruiz December 28, 2023 at 7:15 PM
another problem is caused by
because the file org.idempiere.webservices.resources/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF created there has an Export-Package: META-INF.cxf
- javadoc complains about this package
Carlos Ruiz December 28, 2023 at 6:55 PM
this is not working in release-11
one of the causes is this:
but there are more issues
Hiep Lq November 20, 2020 at 8:51 AM
i saw you use build-helper-maven-plugin to get version output to doc as "8.1"
i guest you want to truncate "-SNAPSHOT" from project.version, right?
i suggest to use
${unqualifiedVersion} to get 8.1.0
or ever ${qualifiedVersion} to get full version info
so i can remove build-helper-maven-plugin help speed up a little bit build process
Hiep Lq November 20, 2020 at 8:02 AM
note for people has only jre like me
i normal don't install jdk on laptop (history mint has jdk 8 but i prefer use jdk 11)
i use jdk by download version i prefer to folder and use export JAVA_HOME=jdk_folder
so when i run "mvn verify -DjavadocPluginPhase=verify" i get issue
> Failed to execute goal org.eclipse.tycho.extras:tycho-document-bundle-plugin:2.1.0:javadoc (idempiere-javadoc) on project org.idempiere.javadoc: Failed to run javadoc: Error while executing process. Cannot run program "javadoc" (in directory "/mnt/data/1Dev/triage/dev/idempiere/org.idempiere.javadoc/API"): error=2, No such file or directory
bellow is how to resolved it
export JAVA_HOME=jdk_folder
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
mvn verify -DjavadocPluginPhase=verify
Carlos Ruiz June 15, 2020 at 6:54 PM
I think this finally worked correctly in jenkins, the URLs are:
The trick in jenkins was explained at:
The most expedient approach is to use Jenkins 2.200+ and set up a second domain pointing to the same Jenkins instance (Jenkins URL:; Resource Root URL: This will result in resources being served from the resource root URL instead of the Jenkins URL. The advantage of this is that there are no cookies associated with this domain, and file paths are hopefully sufficiently non predictable that people won't be able to exfiltrate content.
Since the early days that i adopted iDempiere, I was using some scripts and command line tool to achieve that.
Talking with , this is the same he does as we can see here
With maven & tycho i found an easier and automated way to do that:
1 - org.idempiere.javadoc
this new project uses tycho-document-bundle and basically we need only two files to configure:
pom.xml: javadoc related options and details
MANIFEST.MF: plugins selection for generation
2 - enable/disable javadoc generation on main pom.xml
by default i think that is important and that at each build we have a new version of javadoc generated/published.
Note: if you don't want you just need to comment the line below
With this simple changes every time that you run "mvn verify" you will have inside org.idempiere.javadoc/API a fresh version of your documentation.