When editing in a field (header or detail) use shortcut key (alt + next) to move next record. value in this field is not save
chrome in ubuntu 13.4
is blocked by
relates to

Heng Sin Low August 25, 2020 at 3:59 AMEdited
It is timing sensitive. For me, it happens more frequently when running from Eclispe.
Carlos Ruiz August 24, 2020 at 4:49 PM
I'm not sure what happened, I was able to reproduce the issue described by one time, but now is not happening again.

Heng Sin Low August 22, 2020 at 4:17 PMEdited
Not working correctly for the following test case:
Open Business Partner Group window. Make sure detail tab is collapse.
Move focus to description field, enter some text. Press alt+right arrow to move to next record
Press alt+left arrow to move back
Clear the text at description field. Press alt+right arrow to move to next record
Press alt+left arrow to move back
Enter some text at description field. Press alt+right arrow to move to next record
Note that the entered text is begin copy over to the next record
Carlos Ruiz September 29, 2016 at 9:59 AM
Thanks , as you adviced - in incognito mode worked fine.

Hiep Lq September 28, 2016 at 6:25 PM
patch already accept, remain issue have other issue, so i close this issue.

Hiep Lq September 24, 2016 at 8:27 AM
"here the second record is shown and is still marked in the tab as updated" it's old bug, isn't by this ticket
you can confirm by do like that
1. edit "Comment/Help"
2. move focus to "Document Note" to let window move to edit mode
3. alt + right arrow to move next record. you can see tab still mark like update.
i will open new ticket for this issue.
"but just the first letter is saved"
I sure this issue is resolved, i can't confirm in my side, it's relate javascript, so please try at indigo mode of browse
Carlos Ruiz September 22, 2016 at 11:16 AM
Thanks , committed the suggested change, however my test case still fails:
open product window and select all records (it will show Assembly Area)
change the comment i.e. writing test
push Alt+RightArrow
here the second record is shown and is still marked in the tab as updated
if you push Alt+RightArrow again (or Alt-LeftArrow) then the updated mark disappear from the title, but just the first letter is saved
Carlos Ruiz

Hiep Lq September 9, 2016 at 2:24 PM
yes. patch is will resolve these issues.
Carlos Ruiz September 9, 2016 at 2:07 PM
, does it mean that the patches solve these issues?

Hiep Lq September 6, 2016 at 1:16 PM
hi isn't necessary for this ticket.
this's step to redo
case 1: create new record
1. open "System Configurator" window
2. create new button to create new record (or press alt + n)
3. now idempiere will focus to name filed, input some text.
4. press alt + right arrow to move next record.
5. new record didn't created
if you apply path of this ticket, new record will created.
case 2: modify old record
1. open "System Configurator" window
2. open a current record
3. focus to a field like name
4. edit value, record move to edit mode, press alt + right arrow to move other record
5. back to edited record, just one new letter is save like you report at
Carlos Ruiz September 6, 2016 at 11:00 AM
, I tested the patch here combined with the patch on but didn't notice any difference.
Can you please describe test cases?
When editing in a field (header or detail) use shortcut key (alt + next) to move next record. value in this field is not save
redo step:
1. edit some field (in header or detail line)
2. editing in a filed (in header or detail line)
3. press alt + next to move next record
=> value in current edit field is not save. other field is save ok.