During test day reported this is still not working, as can take time maybe a quicker solution can be implemented changing the shortcuts for something that browsers can accept.
Carlos Ruiz June 26, 2020 at 7:08 PM
What I found nowadays is that shortcuts are highly dependent on browser.
I recently migrated from brave to firefox (because some unpleasant news about brave) and many shortcuts don't work in firefox. Samely, some recent versions of chrom* seems to have made some shortcuts useless.
We have discussed this previously - it's not easy to develop, but the best approach would be to make shortcuts configurable, as that's the actual goal of - I'll close this ticket in favour of that one.
Patric June 25, 2020 at 12:58 PM
reproduced by Patric Massing Alt-O not working Alt-R not working
Carlos Ruiz November 23, 2017 at 12:04 PM
Right , when documenting http://wiki.idempiere.org/en/Shortcuts I noticed that on code there is management for Alt+0 (Process) and Alt+R (Report) - but not working.
During test day reported this is still not working, as can take time maybe a quicker solution can be implemented changing the shortcuts for something that browsers can accept.