New record on GridMode error on fields with DisplayLogic
Test local and demo.globalqss

萩原秀明 December 14, 2015 at 11:38 PM
Thank you for Carlos.
I confirmed your new patch.
My problem resolved.
Carlos Ruiz December 13, 2015 at 10:51 PM
Thanks , can you please describe the issue with a GardenWorld example if possible? Or steps to reproduce?

萩原秀明 December 13, 2015 at 4:15 AM
Hi Carlos!
Thank you for considering the best way for us.
I confirmed your patch.
I think your patch is best from point of performance and null check.
Thank you for accepting my opinion.
But, I think, my problem is not yet resolved.
the problem is below:
Focus of search field is out after input data to search field when new record create on Grid Mode.
Anywhy,I continue investigating it.
I will report when I resolved this problem.
See you!
Carlos Ruiz December 12, 2015 at 4:13 PM
Thanks , solved in latest commit

萩原秀明 December 11, 2015 at 9:22 AMEdited
Hi, Diego and Tomas!
Thank you for your patch.
I confirmed it.
But I wonder why.
After call GridTabRowRenderer.checkDependants() method when create new record at GridMode, focus of field out.
After call GridTabRowRenderer.checkDependants() method,
Rows (editor.getComponent().getParent().getParent().getParent()) is null when only new record.
So, Can't call GridVeiw.focusToNextEditor() method from WSearchEditor.acitonText() method.
Please confirm this.
・Create new Sales order Line at GridMode.
・And input data M_Product_ID that is search field.
I sometimes directly input to this SearchField at value of product.
And I was able to input a value into the next field smoothly so far.
But now I can't it. :'-)
By the way
I think position of Null check at GridTabRowRenderer.checkDependants() method is better below.
WEditor editor = editors.get(field);
if(editor == null)
boolean isEditable = field.isEditableGrid(true);
I'm sorry for very small point.
Hideaki Hagiwara from Japan
When creating a new record on gridMode if there's a field with display logic, that field is shown as read only. But when you satisfy the condition, it doesn't change to editable.
For example:
Open Web Service Security
Click on new record in GridMode in Web Service Parameters tab.
Select Parameter Type = Constant.
You can't not insert in Constant Value field as it is not editable.