Dropdown for grid and info window record selection (select all)



i wondering how to make easier selection in GRID window and Info Window. I suggest to implement in both case dropdown instead of checkbox. which should help better record selection and deselection

options are:

  • Select All Records (select all records in window)

  • Select This Page (selects records on actual page - first pagination records)

  • Deselect All (its clear - deselect all records)

i have attached an example from a popular CRM system for motivation too.


actual demo





Heng Sin Low June 22, 2021 at 8:30 AM

Hi and ,

This ticket have been marked as in progress for more than 6 years now, do we have any update for this ?



Tomáš Švikruha October 7, 2014 at 12:33 PM

Hi I tested your temp patch but select all is not working correctly. Also I have some notes and ideas.

  • Process fired from Info Window always obtains only 50 rows (we have paging set to 150)

I reported https://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-2230 and think that it should be enough. If selection will be remembered during paging then we don't need to have option to Select All because user can select all records on page be current behaviour(by checkbox) and then switch to another page and select all records again (by checkbox).

Discuss it with and you can make a deal with him if this issue can be closed as not resolved (only https://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-2230 will be resolved)

Norbert Bede September 22, 2014 at 8:33 PM

questions was answered. can you follow up ? pls.

Norbert Bede September 15, 2014 at 6:21 AM

Trying to answer your questions/cases:

Q1: when in state select all (all page), what should when user click to select all (one page)
A1: i think no action. (maybe can be inactive this page option) IF user want this case then must select to "Deselect All" then click to Select This Page.

Q1: when in state select all (all page) with some item in state unselect, what should when user click to select all (one page)
A1: same as Q1. make inactive. user able to Select All or Deselect All this make active Select this Page.\


Hiep Lq September 15, 2014 at 4:34 AM

this is in-progress patch for confirm.
with this patch user can:
+ select all page, deselect all page
+ when select all page, user can deselect some item in a page, when user switch page, unselect item is maintain

some restrict.
+ can't disable select all (one page). because need some case for this button, in case select all (all page) is active.

  • when in state select all (all page), what should when user click to select all (one page)

  • when in state select all (all page) with some item in state unselect, what should when user click to select all (one page)

+ with version 6.5.5 and up of zk, it's more easy than current version (6.3), because listBox have event onCheckSelectAll when user click to select all (one page)






Created July 3, 2014 at 9:44 AM
Updated July 13, 2022 at 8:51 PM