Ok, I think that VALIDATE_MATCHING_TO_ORDERED_QTY config does the trick.
Issue resolved.
Bayu Cahya February 24, 2016 at 6:50 AM
Trying using latest 3.1, I can not proceed this feature with error message
Failed to update match po. Total matched delivered qty > ordered qty
Step to reproduce to test.idempiere.com :
1. Create PO (No 800003), ordering some product with Qty 10 and complete this docs 2. Create Material Receipt (No 10000511), create from lines, change Quantity to 12. complete this docs and error message shown above, since it will automatically create Match PO docs
Seems that, it is related with Add Validation for Matching, which blocked the Qty Receipt > Qty Ordered.
Heng Sin Low February 18, 2014 at 7:48 AM
Please review new patch ( 10141.patch ), thanks.
Heng Sin Low February 18, 2014 at 7:48 AM
Fixed for the on order quantity update.
Heng Sin Low February 18, 2014 at 7:47 AM
On order quantity is updated to -ve when MR movementQty > PO QtyOrdered.
1. Make validation of matching to order optional.
2. Handle over-receipts qty. Avoid over update of order line and storage qty ordered.