- InfoWindow validation do not take in account default @ valueIDEMPIERE-6458Resolved issue: IDEMPIERE-6458macchiarch
- Asterisk always colored in red for mandatory fieldsIDEMPIERE-6457
- GridWindowVO.AD_Table_ID is not initialized when window is loaded from cacheIDEMPIERE-6456Nicolas Micoud
- active a asset without Activation DateIDEMPIERE-6455
- Matching PO-Receipt-Invoice Mode="Matched" not showing MR in Receipt pane.IDEMPIERE-6454
- Height of line is not correct with Image fieldIDEMPIERE-6453
- Import of Bank Statements is in random orderIDEMPIERE-6452Resolved issue: IDEMPIERE-6452Lukas Heidbreder
- missing linkedin icon on idempiere 12 homepageIDEMPIERE-6451Resolved issue: IDEMPIERE-6451zuhri utama
- Servlets should not have mutable instance fields java:S2226IDEMPIERE-6450Resolved issue: IDEMPIERE-6450Heng Sin Low
- Target platform state is missing org.jvnet.mimepul.mimepull:1.9.14 with Eclipse 2024-12IDEMPIERE-6449Resolved issue: IDEMPIERE-6449Heng Sin Low
- Fix some issues from SonarQube analysisIDEMPIERE-6448Resolved issue: IDEMPIERE-6448Heng Sin Low
- XML parsers should not be vulnerable to XXE attacksIDEMPIERE-6447Heng Sin Low
- Problem detected after and is ran several timesIDEMPIERE-6446Resolved issue: IDEMPIERE-6446Carlos Ruiz
- SimplePDFViewer don't respect agrument title (file name)IDEMPIERE-6445Resolved issue: IDEMPIERE-6445Hiep Lq
- Double allocation when payment reversed.IDEMPIERE-6444
- address(C_Location) is not print when city is empty (null)IDEMPIERE-6443Resolved issue: IDEMPIERE-6443Hiep Lq
- can't edit org_info of org "*"IDEMPIERE-6442Resolved issue: IDEMPIERE-6442Hiep Lq
- Add default fallback foreign key to Copy Client (FHCA-6009)IDEMPIERE-6441Carlos Ruiz
- Sequence Check is creating ID sequence for non-existing columnIDEMPIERE-6440Resolved issue: IDEMPIERE-6440Carlos Ruiz
- constant realoading of pageIDEMPIERE-6439Resolved issue: IDEMPIERE-6439
- Improve Broadcast Message Popup UIIDEMPIERE-6438Resolved issue: IDEMPIERE-6438
- Change sonarqube analysis to manual workflowIDEMPIERE-6437Resolved issue: IDEMPIERE-6437Heng Sin Low
- Error inserting permission record for System Administrator role (FHCA-6351)IDEMPIERE-6436Resolved issue: IDEMPIERE-6436Carlos Ruiz
- Add "Hide on Zero" to Document Status (Activities)IDEMPIERE-6435Carlos Ruiz
- Auto-Generated Search Key Can Collide with Manually Set Search KeyIDEMPIERE-6434
- Fill Getting Started boxIDEMPIERE-6433
- Fix links in Home server pageIDEMPIERE-6432Resolved issue: IDEMPIERE-6432Carlos Ruiz
- missing field suggestion icon image on popup menuIDEMPIERE-6431Resolved issue: IDEMPIERE-6431zuhri utama
- Auto Provisionig of User in case of SSOIDEMPIERE-6430Deepak Pansheriya
- Missing images in iceblue_c themeIDEMPIERE-6429Resolved issue: IDEMPIERE-6429Nicolas Micoud
- v12 - Issue with custom toolbar buttons (Action) which are not shownIDEMPIERE-6428Resolved issue: IDEMPIERE-6428Carlos Ruiz
- Improve info window with editable columnIDEMPIERE-6427
- Implement CrossTenantExceptions to manage tenant access restrictions errorsIDEMPIERE-6426Resolved issue: IDEMPIERE-6426Diego Ruiz
- service cache make wrong order of service ranking (IInfoFactory case)IDEMPIERE-6425
- Outdated code in WPaySelectIDEMPIERE-6424
- A field in the process dialog evaluates 'Default Logic' differently from 'ReadOnly/Display Logic, Mandatory Logic, GridField.backupValue'IDEMPIERE-6423
- Remove calls for external dependenciesIDEMPIERE-6422Elaine Tan
- Make the "Server started" email configurable to enable/disableIDEMPIERE-6421Resolved issue: IDEMPIERE-6421Elaine Tan
- The Info column description is incorrect because it uses the name insteadIDEMPIERE-6420Resolved issue: IDEMPIERE-6420
- Replacing environment values with dummy values in the Validate Info window does not work for timestampsIDEMPIERE-6419Resolved issue: IDEMPIERE-6419Hiep Lq
- Payment Print/Export make dupplicate when has 3 login language and bpartner has non-base languageIDEMPIERE-6418
- issue: IDEMPIERE-6417
- implement Payment Selection (manual) as info windowIDEMPIERE-6416
- Hide left panel bar after demo user is clicked on mobile viewIDEMPIERE-6415Resolved issue: IDEMPIERE-6415zuhri utama
- Improve record info UI on mobile viewIDEMPIERE-6414zuhri utama
- Visually differentiate environmentsIDEMPIERE-6413Carlos Ruiz
- Improve MChart.getData response by using camel caseIDEMPIERE-6412Resolved issue: IDEMPIERE-6412Diego Ruiz
- Export Translation Only Export Uncentralized DataIDEMPIERE-6411Resolved issue: IDEMPIERE-6411zuhri utama
- Ristricting maximum records can be exported from window, report and info window per roleIDEMPIERE-6410
- Charts not rendered on certain conditionsIDEMPIERE-6409Resolved issue: IDEMPIERE-6409Saulo Gil
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