Irrelevant No key Found warning logs
Carlos Ruiz May 15, 2024 at 10:23 AM
Found an error in the column view created.
Failing test case:
log in as System Administrator
navigate to table RV_UnPosted
click "View Validate" button
Error -> Cannot find element for GL_Journal_UU. Tip: all components must have the same number and names of columns
Peter Takacs May 18, 2023 at 1:41 PM
Thank you , tested the scripts, looks like they work as expected.
Carlos Ruiz May 18, 2023 at 12:29 PM
Hi - I created pull request 1844 adding the columns RV_Unprocessed_UU and RV_Unposted_UU
I think this is better solution, you can now use the permalink and copy select for those windows.
Peter Takacs May 18, 2023 at 8:28 AM
Hi , could we ignore this log with views wdyt?
Steps to reproduce:
login to Garden World
open Unprocessed Documents (All) window
refresh the tab
since this window shows data from the RV_UnProcessed report, there is no Key, Parent Link column or UU column defined in System on RV_UnProcessed table - however if the GridTable.getWhereClause method does not find one of these, it creates the following warning log: GridTable.getWhereClause: No key Found on every refresh - this log is in our case irrelevant and only makes the log console messy (you can check it e.g. in Eclipse console).
Solution: limit the log with a condition.