[Workflow Activities] - Activity persists after delete related record
relates to
Carlos Ruiz August 30, 2023 at 4:21 PM
I created pull request 1988
The solution is now really simple using what was implemented with IDEMPIERE-5683, just set Model Cascade in the Record_ID column for the tables AD_WF_Activity, AD_WF_EventAudit and AD_WF_Process
In my tests is working fine, can you please test?
Carlos Ruiz
Norbert Bede December 8, 2022 at 9:54 AM
Testing: we found a Blocker issue here.
Result: stacked SQL command
env: RDSPG/stack with group of servers - we patched v8.2z with your PR.
state: deployed version
state: remove patch version
you can see when i move over chart, showing, the full group produce this error. then i deploy previous version without patch 8.58h, and SQL command not generated anymore.
Norbert Bede December 5, 2022 at 2:10 PM
we merged and deployed solution, however this is looks not enough. we are getting
Norbert Bede November 27, 2022 at 9:37 PM
the problem in ticket 4941 was the follow (example case)
the import order create a new order and start document workflow created=updated - this generate user choice activity.
when eg. c_order was deleted by user the workflow processor still running and tried to process deleted order (PO was not updated ? need to talk for detail he analyses this use case that time)
CRASH: the server after many try. (eg. 1 day/each minute wf processor) - hit 100% and crash.
I’m not sure we need delete AD_WF_Process or AD_WF_Activity is enough. I will talk tomorrow. I’m tending to say, AD_WF_Process must be deleted.
Need more testing. (we try reproduce)
Carlos Ruiz November 27, 2022 at 12:51 PM
Hi - this is a duplicate of the ticket opened by you.
According to the comments in that ticket, you think the AD_WF_Process must be deleted and cascade to AD_WF_Activity.
The implementation here from just deletes AD_WF_Activity, is that enough or must we delete also the AD_WF_Process?
Carlos Ruiz