Allow to use Price per UoM


In some business areas it is common to sell a product quantity using for example kg as unit of measure and give a price based on a different unit of measure like per 100 kg.

This is currently not possible with Adempiere.

The contribution is based on code provided by ADAXA as documented in feature request "Add C_UOM_ID to MProductPrice - ID: 1754543" (







Carlos Ruiz August 22, 2020 at 7:55 AM

I was in doubt to close this as this is so frequently asked by community.

But better to close it and revisit if needed when a fresher patch arrives.

Closing as potential idea after inactivity.

Carlos Ruiz February 16, 2017 at 2:16 PM

Attaching here some peer review I did for this ticket with file IDEMPIERE-533_CR.patch.

But I definitely didn't like the way it was implemented
I think this needs to be rewritten better in a less disruptive way.

1 - it creates a new UOM field on order and invoice lines - I think is preferably to work with just the same usual UOM field
2 - it forces to create price list per each UOM conversion, so the old conversions are basically broken - not backward compatible
3 - in the middle of the code is implemented some sort of generic conversions - but I think that must be in a different ticket (and probably different way)

My idea of how this must work is:

  • order line and invoice line must not change - it must be transparent for users

  • product price receives now records optionally for UOM - this is ok in the implementation - but in case there is a conversion and no price - it must be backward compatible and keep working as usual

  • the DB functions bompricelimit, bompricestd and bompricelist are changed on this ticket - that means breaking potentially reports, plugins, info windows, and anything based on the old function. I tried to implement a less disruptive way in the patch referenced.

Unfortunately I think is still not integrable.


Carlos Ruiz

Deepak Pansheriya March 13, 2015 at 5:30 AM


We are trying to integrate with latest version of iDempiere. Can you please provide access to commit you made?






Affects versions


Created December 19, 2012 at 9:13 PM
Updated October 2, 2020 at 4:14 PM
Resolved August 22, 2020 at 7:55 AM