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I'm adding a specific process to send an order to the customer (generate the PDF, create an email and send it).
It uses a mail template and I have an issue with the description
Order Description @Description@
When parsing @Description@ is replaced by AD_User.Description.
So, I've updated the mail template to this notation @C_Order_ID<Description>@
But the output was "".Is because Env.parseVariable didn't find the foreignTable variable.
I've updated and now is working.
Could you please review the patch ?
This was solved in - notation @C_Order_ID<C_Order.Description>@
Hello ,
In attachment, a patch to allow following notation to be called from the order itself.
ps: the title of the ticket is not clear, feel free to update it
I'm adding a specific process to send an order to the customer (generate the PDF, create an email and send it).
It uses a mail template and I have an issue with the description
Order Description @Description@
When parsing @Description@ is replaced by AD_User.Description.
So, I've updated the mail template to this notation @C_Order_ID<Description>@
But the output was "".
Is because Env.parseVariable didn't find the foreignTable variable.
I've updated and now is working.
Could you please review the patch ?