As user i would like simple copy column/value on any regular field (show icon on-hover)


1. user on hover a specific field
2. new icon and tooltip appear (disappear when leaving)
3. click to icon = > copy to clipboard

ATM user needs a very complicated way to select letters then copy by the keyboard.
This is complicated and users are many times can't select exactly and are not patient.







Carlos Ruiz March 18, 2022 at 9:50 AM

Norbert Bede March 18, 2022 at 8:22 AM

hello, for testing I need apply patches somewhere it is deployed.


Heng Sin Low March 18, 2022 at 6:55 AM

Hi ,

  • I did try with making it only visible when the text field is with value. One issue is since the checking is done at server side, it doesn’t work with text value that’s not being submitted to server yet.

  • I think having it on non-window field is fine. We can add that checking though if that’s deem better.

  • I started with focus but change to hover to make it work with readonly field.

  • I did do some testing on mobile too and found this is something not that important/significant on mobile. On mobile/touch devices, the long press to copy text gesture is well known and natural for most users.

  • Also would like to check whether a pure client side, js based solution works better here. With client side approach, we can have the copy text button added to all input boxes (perhaps with some sort of marking) without any modification to the field editor code.

Carlos Ruiz March 17, 2022 at 7:30 PM

Hi - my comments about pull request 1252

  • This looks good on desktop, tested with String fields, and also with an Autofill String field

  • One thing is that maybe the button doesn't need to appear when the field is empty

  • Also, not sure but maybe we can keep that just on window fields?
    For example, not in the find editors, same as is not appearing in process parameter fields
    But I’m not sure here - maybe knows better if is required also in find and process parameters

  • In future I guess it would be worthy to add that to all the other field types (f.e. numeric/date), so maybe some relevant code can be moved to WEditor? (just wondering, I have not reviewed the details of the implementation).

  • Also noticed something strange that in the find fields, the button is appearing out of the textbox, while in windows is inside the textbox.

  • On the other hand, I think could be better to show the button on the field with focus and not on hover?
    this can solve the problem that the implementation doesn’t work in mobile
    the bad thing is that hover works on disabled fields (read-only), while focus doesn’t
    So, not sure if maybe is a combination of both? Focus and hover?


Carlos Ruiz

Norbert Bede March 7, 2022 at 6:07 PM


good starting point, for continue. I will talk internally, and probably we can continue on this issue.

thanks for investigation







Created November 28, 2019 at 10:58 AM
Updated January 9, 2023 at 11:00 AM