confirm instanceof on check parameter from web service



line 498 String valueString = null; line 513 Object value = valueString; util line 512, value isn't to any value other null so check instanceof isn't valuable. true? BigDecimal bd = null; if (value instanceof BigDecimal) bd = (BigDecimal)value; else if (value instanceof Integer) bd = new BigDecimal (((Integer)value).intValue()); else bd = new BigDecimal (value.toString());






Carlos Ruiz September 9, 2019 at 10:50 AM

Hi , agree that is unnecessary at this moment, but as the variable value is declared as an Object and not as a String, I think that bit of "defensive programming" doesn't hurt and protects in case somebody in future adds a different assignment to that Object.


Carlos Ruiz

Hiep Lq August 31, 2019 at 7:38 AM

my code base is default branch, but it’s ok for release 6.2, this file hasn’t change.

my question about don’t need to check data type of variable “value”

line 553-558. value always is String. don’t need to verify value instanceof BigDecimal and value instanceof Integer

if (value instanceof BigDecimal) bd = (BigDecimal)value; else if (value instanceof Integer) bd = new BigDecimal (((Integer)value).intValue()); else bd = new BigDecimal (value.toString());

Deepak Pansheriya August 30, 2019 at 12:24 PM

As per code in release 6.2, below is code block from line 493. And you can see that if Datafield is presents, it is immediately initialized.

String valueString = null; DataField dataField = fmap.get( key ); if (dataField != null && !Util.isEmpty(dataField.getVal())) { valueString = dataField.getVal(); if (requestCtx != null && valueString.charAt(0) == '@') { Object value = ModelADServiceImpl.parseVariable(m_cs, requestCtx, iPara.getParameterName(), valueString); valueString = value != null ? value.toString() : null; } } else if (dataField != null && !Util.isEmpty(dataField.getLval())) valueString = getLookupValue(pPara, dataField);

It sounds I may not understanding your questions.

Deepak Pansheriya August 30, 2019 at 11:47 AM

@hiep Please mention which revision are you referring as I an bit abke ti find line 513 code in release 6.2

Won't Fix





Created August 30, 2019 at 3:50 AM
Updated November 10, 2019 at 5:38 PM
Resolved September 9, 2019 at 10:50 AM