Thai run depreciate by days asset "on service" per month. so month with 30 days difference days with 31 days + for first period they depreciate real days not full month, example start date of asset is 2019/08/23 then depreciate calculate for 9 days + in case use life of asset is n years then if start date is first day of month then num of period is n * 12 but start date is day between of month then num of period is n * 12 +1
so i need to create a factory to customize depreciation method pleaase find it here
other issue: when complete "asset addtion" document it update "service date" of asset by dateDoc but that value update after run depreciate. it's too later. to calculate days of fisrt period, i need "service date" so i change order on patch
Thai run depreciate by days asset "on service" per month.
so month with 30 days difference days with 31 days
+ for first period they depreciate real days not full month, example start date of asset is 2019/08/23 then depreciate calculate for 9 days
+ in case use life of asset is n years then
if start date is first day of month then num of period is n * 12
but start date is day between of month then num of period is n * 12 +1
so i need to create a factory to customize depreciation method pleaase find it here
other issue: when complete "asset addtion" document it update "service date" of asset by dateDoc
but that value update after run depreciate. it's too later.
to calculate days of fisrt period, i need "service date" so i change order on patch