When you buy a new asset (by example in 2019/03/13) MDepreciationExp.createDepreciation take the month in 0 and create the first depreciation record on 2019/03/31, is not correct, must be on 2019/04/30. You can't depreciate in the same month of buy
Carlos Ruiz November 11, 2022 at 9:25 PM
Hi - would be better to make this configurable with a SysConfig key.
I’m not sure if the standard worldwide is to depreciate next month, or same month.
As nobody else have complained about this I could assume in some countries is valid to depreciate same month.
When you buy a new asset (by example in 2019/03/13) MDepreciationExp.createDepreciation take the month in 0 and create the first depreciation record on 2019/03/31, is not correct, must be on 2019/04/30. You can't depreciate in the same month of buy