Voiding/reverse material receipt gives error when pricelist is not active
Steps to reproduce,
Create PO
Create MR for the PO in #1
Create Invoice(vendor)
Inactivate pricelist, pricelist version and product price (for the product selected in #1) from pricelist window
Goto MR window and try to void/reverse it
Error will be displayed as product not on pricelist. Please see attached screenshot
While reversing I believe it updates orderline and beforesave method in orderline throws is error, however while reversing there should be no need of checking active pricelist because for any reverse document it should be based from its original document
Mayta Coronel (Maya) August 22, 2020 at 2:04 AM
Triaged by Mayta
Create a Order Purchase
Create a Material Receipt
Create a Vendor Invoice
Desactivate Price List
Void Invoice Purchase without problem
Can’t no be reprducible on 7.1z oracle
Carlos Ruiz April 29, 2020 at 3:26 PM
, thanks for the patch, I reviewed and although it must work to avoid the case described here, I think it will affect also the cases where the validation can be useful, like creating orders with the Recurring feature, or "Quote Convert" process, or the counter documents feature.
Carlos Ruiz
Praful Vaja April 29, 2020 at 6:50 AM
Hi Carlos Ruiz.
Please review attached patch
Thank you
Carlos Ruiz April 5, 2020 at 11:42 AM
It sounds annoying, but not a big deal as the workaround is too easy, activate those records while reversing, and then inactivate them again.
Anyways, if you have a patch to contribute that fixes the issue, I can check it.
Steps to reproduce,
Create PO
Create MR for the PO in #1
Create Invoice(vendor)
Inactivate pricelist, pricelist version and product price (for the product selected in #1) from pricelist window
Goto MR window and try to void/reverse it
Error will be displayed as product not on pricelist. Please see attached screenshot
While reversing I believe it updates orderline and beforesave method in orderline throws is error, however while reversing there should be no need of checking active pricelist because for any reverse document it should be based from its original document