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When reversing withholding tax using Invoice (Vendor)=>Withholding=>Create Withholding Reversal, the WITHHOLDING RULE in the reversal record is null instead of deriving the Withholding rule from the reversed withholding tax record.
Michael Powacht February 2, 2019 at 10:46 AM
Ah ok I didn't check that. Thanks Carlos!
Carlos Ruiz February 2, 2019 at 10:32 AM
@Michael Powacht, lco_createwithholdingreversal is a button, those are columns in the database that don't have a purpose, except to show a button in a window.
Carlos Ruiz
Michael Powacht January 27, 2019 at 1:53 AM
Hello Carlos, please allow me another related question: When reversing a withholding tax record, e.g. in window Invoice (Vendor)=>Withholding sub-tab using process "Create Withholding Reversal", why is DB field lco_createwithholdingreversal not being populated. It seems it's always set to NULL. What is the purpose of this field? I am using WHT with "is Calc On Payment".
Thanks, Michael
Michael Powacht January 25, 2019 at 12:53 PM
Ok thanks Carlos!
Carlos Ruiz January 25, 2019 at 12:46 PM
Hi @Michael Powacht, that's on purpose, in other places there is special treatment when record has a rule, and is also a way to identify when the records were created manually against automatic.
When reversing withholding tax using Invoice (Vendor)=>Withholding=>Create Withholding Reversal, the WITHHOLDING RULE in the reversal record is null instead of deriving the Withholding rule from the reversed withholding tax record.