When the 2Pack contains a WorkflowNode that has a column attribute that is also inserted by this 2Pack, the beforeSave validation of the MWFNode model instantiates this column without passing the current transaction and with this the system throws an exception. Suggestion of code correction:
When the 2Pack contains a WorkflowNode that has a column attribute that is also inserted by this 2Pack, the beforeSave validation of the MWFNode model instantiates this column without passing the current transaction and with this the system throws an exception. Suggestion of code correction:
Branch: default
Commit hash: 6edd856
Class: org.compiere.wf.MWFNode
Line: 614
Original code: MColumn column = MColumn.get (getCtx (), getAD_Column_ID ());
Code changed: MColumn column = MColumn.get (getCtx (), getAD_Column_ID (), get_TrxName ());