Won't Fix
Carlos Ruiz
Carlos RuizReporter
Anton Mostovenko
Anton MostovenkoLabels
Affects versions
Created October 3, 2018 at 6:06 AM
Updated February 1, 2019 at 1:44 PM
Resolved December 15, 2018 at 3:37 PM
If some field has a Table reference type and Dynamic Validation, which makes a dependency on another field, it will have some issues with refreshing of data.
How I found it. Steps to reproduce:
In BP window we have C_BP_Group_ID and M_PriceList_ID. Both has Table Direct types
I created a C_BP_Group_ID in M_PriceList table with a Table Direct type
M_PriceList_ID has a Dynamic Validation. I changed it to a following text:
M_PriceList.C_BP_Group_ID = (SELECT C_BP_Group_ID FROM C_BPartner WHERE C_BPartner_ID= @C_BPartner_ID@)
Now, if I change C_BP_Group_ID in BP window, available data in Price List field must be changed. But it's not refreshing until you click "Requery" on a field or reopen window. "Refresh" button on a toolbar does not help.