Table Reference and Dynamic Validation refresh problem


If some field has a Table reference type and Dynamic Validation, which makes a dependency on another field, it will have some issues with refreshing of data.

How I found it. Steps to reproduce:

  1. In BP window we have C_BP_Group_ID and M_PriceList_ID. Both has Table Direct types

  2. I created a C_BP_Group_ID in M_PriceList table with a Table Direct type

  3. M_PriceList_ID has a Dynamic Validation. I changed it to a following text:

M_PriceList.C_BP_Group_ID = (SELECT C_BP_Group_ID FROM C_BPartner WHERE C_BPartner_ID= @C_BPartner_ID@)
  1. Now, if I change C_BP_Group_ID in BP window, available data in Price List field must be changed. But it's not refreshing until you click "Requery" on a field or reopen window. "Refresh" button on a toolbar does not help.





Carlos Ruiz December 15, 2018 at 3:37 PM

It's not really a bug, I think that's how is intended to work.
The automatic refresh was implemented to help avoiding to do the "Requery" but it has its limitations, like this case, we would need to analyze if is performance worthy valuable to track dependencies on displaylogic.

Won't Fix





Affects versions


Created October 3, 2018 at 6:06 AM
Updated February 1, 2019 at 1:44 PM
Resolved December 15, 2018 at 3:37 PM