Impossible to create a new record because of Read Only logic
If Tab has only one record and it satisfies the Read Only logic, whole Tab becomes unusable. Buttons on Toolbar are inactive. It is also true for main Tab, but there is a few options available. If it is a Tab with level >0 - it could be a problem.
In some cases Tab contains 95% of read only records and in order to create a new record, user needs to find editable record first, which is a time consuming process.
Read only records also can't be copied. Sometimes users want it.
Carlos Ruiz December 15, 2018 at 3:42 PM
From what I see in dictionary, I think is intended to work like that. When you want toolbar editable but not record then you can set readonlylogic on the fields instead of the tab.
Hiep Lq September 24, 2018 at 9:05 AM
how about new button on find dialog, or new button on menu item
If Tab has only one record and it satisfies the Read Only logic, whole Tab becomes unusable. Buttons on Toolbar are inactive. It is also true for main Tab, but there is a few options available. If it is a Tab with level >0 - it could be a problem.
In some cases Tab contains 95% of read only records and in order to create a new record, user needs to find editable record first, which is a time consuming process.
Read only records also can't be copied. Sometimes users want it.