POReference in invoice gets overwritten when assigning an order
When entering an invoice (vendor) POReference in normaly filled with the invoice number from the vendor. When using CreateFrom to generate invoice lines the POReference gets overwritte by the POReference from the order. This behavior is only desired in sales transactions.
, what you describe is a use case for sales oriented business, but for a purchase oriented business it can be valuable to have the same functionality.
I see two possibilties: 1 - make it configurable - maybe a tenant SysConfig defining if we want to overwrite POReference for sales, purchases, both or none 2 - or alternatively create a new field ExternalDocumentNo - I think this is a very common request to have the invoice number from the Vendor somewhere, and most people is using POReference for that, but in reality that's not the purpose of that field.
When entering an invoice (vendor) POReference in normaly filled with the invoice number from the vendor.
When using CreateFrom to generate invoice lines the POReference gets overwritte by the POReference from the order. This behavior is only desired in sales transactions.