Callouts not working properly in Quick Entry Windows


Callouts are not working as expected in Quick Entry windows.

Test scenario:
1. Apply the attached [TestCalloutQuick.patch]
2. Open Business Partner window
3. Edit or create a new record

  • you'll see that Name2 will always have a value of 'Testing callout', no matter which field you interact with. Therefore, even when editing Name2, the value will be set again to 'Testing callout'.
    4. Open sales order -> right click on BPartner Field -> new

  • Name 2 will have an initial value of 'Testing callout', however, when you modify its value and then interact with any other field, the value is not set again as expected (see

    ), even though the system is running the callout.

  • Save the record in the quick entry and zoom to the just created record.

  • You can see that the value set in Name2 is the one set by the callout (see

    ), this is just because of the callout running when opening the window, you see that the toolbar in the window appears as the record was modified and when you click undo, the record gets the value set in the quickEntry.







Diego Ruiz March 23, 2018 at 1:47 PM

Hi ,

Attached you can find a patch that solves this bug. It uses the same approach as ADTabpanel, and relies on the same binder to handle value changes (GridTabDataBinder).

Kind Regards,
Diego Ruiz






Created March 23, 2018 at 1:20 PM
Updated May 1, 2018 at 1:46 PM
Resolved March 25, 2018 at 8:13 PM