Error when inserting PO with a LOB mandatory field
When you create a table and a column with a reference to LOB (such as Text Long), and set this column as mandatory. iDempiere does not let any record in that table to be saved.
When the records is saved the following error is thrown: Database Error.: DBExecuteError:ERROR: null value in column "NNN" violates not-null constraint
After reviewing the code, I've noticed that PO.doInsert ignores the values (or set them to null) when the DisplayType is LOB, which causes that when the field is set to mandatory no new records can be created.
Diego Ruiz March 20, 2018 at 7:33 PM
Attached you can find a patch that solves the issue.
When you create a table and a column with a reference to LOB (such as Text Long), and set this column as mandatory. iDempiere does not let any record in that table to be saved.
When the records is saved the following error is thrown:
Database Error.: DBExecuteError:ERROR: null value in column "NNN" violates not-null constraint
After reviewing the code, I've noticed that PO.doInsert ignores the values (or set them to null) when the DisplayType is LOB, which causes that when the field is set to mandatory no new records can be created.