Parameter Value Change and Form Validation Listener for Process Dialog


Implement OSGi style listener for process parameter value change and process paramer form validation.

The OSGi component should implement IProcessParameterListener interface ( as provided service interface in component definition ) and include the following component/service properties ( String type ):

  • ProcessClass - class name of process

  • ColumnName - comma separated list of column name (use * to match all parameter field ) to listen for value change event for one or more parameter field. This is not needed if the component only implement form validation.







Hiep Lq August 31, 2019 at 11:13 AM

relate to lookup service, i suggest to improve lookup IDocFactory

current behavior

you have MAcctSchema with GAAP field GAAP = gaap

you have MAcctSchema with GAAP field GAAP = twogaap

you have MAcctSchema with GAAP field GAAP = threegaap

now you install some service

at the moment all MAcctSchema use default service with gaap=*

1. now you install new service with gaap=gaap and priority lower than default, then MAcctSchema gaap use this new service, other remain to default

2. now you change priory to higher than default, all move to use new service

at this step, i think remain MAcctSchema should stay with default service (gaap=*). because new one is more specific to concrate gaap=gaap

it’s more chao when you install service with gaap = twogaap, gaap = anygaap

it should improve logic to below

a service can regirstry to handle one GAAP, many GAAP, “*“ mean all, or some GAAP include “*”

MAcctSchema have GAAP=mygaap lookup for service by:

1. contain “mygaap” and sort by priority

2. in case (1) fail then search for “*“

3. in case (2) fail don’t match anymore, ever exists gaap = non_mygaap

Hiep Lq August 31, 2019 at 10:48 AM

HI your patch work fine.

for document, i note bellow thing.

my patch will work when escaped ateris character

add plugin for test ssh://

active plugin and do bellow test to see effect

run process “Generate Shipments”

+ change value of parameter “Warehouse” will call

ProcessParameterValidateMultiParam, ProcessParameterValidateAllParam

+ change value of “Business Partner“ will call

ProcessParameterValidateMultiParam, ProcessParameterValidateAllParam, ProcessParameterValidateSingleParam

+ change value of other will call only ProcessParameterValidateAllParam

Carlos Ruiz August 30, 2019 at 12:38 PM

Committed 9aa5b25 and implemented as test and example showcase. It's working fine now.

Carlos Ruiz August 30, 2019 at 10:38 AM

Hi , tested your idea
> define multiple value of ColumnName for each column you want ot listen
it didn't work.

Also, the actual approach is not working either.

Hiep Lq August 29, 2019 at 2:42 PM

on my service component

class org.adempiere.webui.Extensions

make value

{ProcessClass=th.tgas.publicsector.DupplicateAsset, |ColumnName=A_Asset_Group_ID|A_Asset_Group_ID,





on org.adempiere.base.ds.DynamicServiceLocator

make value


so it can’t find out my service.

I suggest to modify:

ColumnName - comma separated list of column name (use * to match all parameter field )

=> define muilty value of ColumnName for each column you want ot listen

=> define value “*“ for ColumnName in case want to listene all

and code on class org.adempiere.webui.Extensions become






Fix versions


Created January 26, 2018 at 6:17 AM
Updated August 22, 2020 at 7:40 PM
Resolved August 30, 2019 at 12:53 PM