hi i meet hang process when import. when hang just restart server, after some time do that, i have a lot of payment record.
got it. that commit let slow about 1,5 s so when do on un-filter window hard to see difference, on filter window can see it clear than.
Carlos Ruiz May 17, 2018 at 9:34 PM
, I was not able to test, importing the file in my eclipse crashed hazelcast and the process never ended.
One question about, when backing out the change then the problem described by here https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/idempiere/SnQLQfD7KWs/SYq2D6EkBQAJ must appear again?
I looked and the commit was a fix from for that problem - so backing it out must reopen it - unless is something that was already solved in zk.
Nice , it's working as expected now! Tks!