reuse browse tab when open idempiere from a destop app (or ever from other web app)
on use IDEMPIERE-2334, have bellow requirement: in case web browse is opened idempiere, will append new tab of into opened window. don't open new window (browse tab).
add plugin ssh:// and apply patch
Andy Conn October 28, 2017 at 6:29 PM
Hiep, your solution may be more elegant, but here is a simple approach that should be very easy to implement. Below is an example from another another application using single javascript page framework (Sencha). I believe the "zoom" url simply opens a web page and creates a cookie with the zoom detail. The existing zk desktop merely needs to poll that cookie for updates. The main drawback of this approach is that it will leave the "zoom" page open.
Example zoom url page from Sencha application. URL:
on use IDEMPIERE-2334, have bellow requirement:
in case web browse is opened idempiere, will append new tab of into opened window.
don't open new window (browse tab).
to complete it i will have to use a new web feature, now just support by chrome and firefox, but hope it will popular on short future
this feature also shouldn't disturb ability open on multi tab of idempiere.