at the moment, isSoTrx of menu item only pass to process and report. it also help full for info window, so i can create two menu for sale transaction and non-sale transaction with only on info window define.
I'm wondering if we can create a more elegant and wide solution allowing to set context from menu. I think we have suggested this in past, very draft idea is like adding a column AD_Menu.SetCtx and allow to define there pairs of context=value.
That approach can allow to have one window that can be called in different menu entries with different behaviors. Example, payment/receipt window - at this moment there is just one payment window for payments and receipts. If you want to split it you need to create a new window and replicate all the tabs there. With the AD_Menu.SetCtx we could use same window and drive the behavior (displaylogic, callouts, mandatorylogic, reference filters) based on a context set from the menu.
at the moment, isSoTrx of menu item only pass to process and report.
it also help full for info window, so i can create two menu for sale transaction and non-sale transaction with only on info window define.
isSoTrx also should add to view item, fav menu