wizard to input parameter


sponsored me to implement his idea, it look great so i want to share here welcome idea to make it perfect.

I wish to modify process input parameters dialog so that the parameters can be presented in a wizard like fashion with multiple panels. That way a user can be logically guided through the necessary prompts for specific process. A primary use case would be that it provides an intelligent, guided way to simply update the document the process was launched from.

I have designed and implemented this concept in another system and really works well. It requires the following:

Panel: Describes each wizard panel and includes these elements
Prompts: references to which parameters should be displayed and the order
Messages: Help text that can display before / after some prompts
IsStart? Identifies the starting panel
IsFinal? Deteremines whether a [Finish] button is displayed
NextPanelLogic: Optional: Logic which resolves which panel is displayed when [Next] is pressed.
Panel validator code (Optional). Must allow for validation code to determine whether [Next] or [Finish] can be pressed
Next Panel Code. An alternative to NextPanelLogic. Enables the next panel to be determined by code

The result of stepping through the wizard process is the populated parameters and normal operation of the process.

i saw it's not only for parameter, it ever apply to standard window make window more friendly to end user.





Norbert Bede March 6, 2018 at 7:33 AM

Is this project still alive ? we discuss here about, would like to help testing process

Norbert Bede September 15, 2017 at 2:39 PM

any news ? n

Carlos Ruiz July 16, 2017 at 9:49 AM

I still think workflow is too complex for this purpose - suggesting Occam's razor approach.

Which scenarios are so complex to require multiple variations? or transitions that can't be managed with the usual mandatory/display logic?

Hiep Lq July 16, 2017 at 9:10 AM

you got correct idea , and exact almost AD is existed.
it helpful to newbie to get familiar with new process.

hi it have exact your idea

"looks me as worklow/node/transition condition"
yes it look like that, still thinking how to manage AD information for it.

Norbert Bede July 15, 2017 at 7:41 PM

i suggest draw a GUI flow - or experimental prototype - to validate concept should working well.

i suggest

  • Implement the solution on various levels: wizard is something specific to System/Client/Role/user level - cant be common for system. (ideally scriptable - i met this approach in sf.com) - i don't prefer to implement only in system-app dict level.

  • Also would be important attach multiple wizards for same process - usually complex process/reports lead users across various flows.

  • must be generally disabled to keep legacy approach - per installation.

  • to above parameters - isStart isFinal can be replaced by seqno regular element - define order and first/last panel - NextPanelLogic/code looks me as worklow/node/transition condition. probably same concept can be used. (probably too complex but workflows can be re-used in process parameters - however an be too complicated)

ps. we submit a ticket for simplify parameter entry - re-use concept same in window customisation should be involved IDEMPIERE-3025.

hope my ideas help.





Created July 15, 2017 at 2:46 PM
Updated March 6, 2018 at 7:33 AM