Delete Match Invoice doesn't null Match PO C_invoiceline_id
steps to reproduce GW 1. create PO for mulch 10qty 2. create MR for PO Line 3. create invoice (vendor) from MR (system creates automatically Match Invoice and update C_invoiceline_ID on M_MatchPO) 4. open match invoice - delete it process gear>> BUG: doesn't null MatchPO C_invoiceline_ID
steps to reproduce GW
1. create PO for mulch 10qty
2. create MR for PO Line
3. create invoice (vendor) from MR (system creates automatically Match Invoice and update C_invoiceline_ID on M_MatchPO)
4. open match invoice - delete it process gear>> BUG: doesn't null MatchPO C_invoiceline_ID