Products without ASI (non-instansable) generates useless m_transactions


issue: after storage datematerial policy implementation system generates for ASI and NonASI products same way m_transactions

1. receive products to date #1 6qty
2. receive products to date #2 4qty
3. sales order for qty 10
4. create shipment - 1 line with qty 10,
consequence #1. (when complete, generates Attributes for 2 datematerial policy dates (it is OK)
consequence #2. generates for 2 m_transaction records.
5. run report transaction detail. you can see 2 movements for qty6 and qty4

in my opinion it is wrong implementation
1. idea do not track asi means users do not want to see details at FIFO/DMP level - all windows reports e.g. transaction detail.
2. we want join costdetails to trace movements costs hard to do it because dmp transaction exists.

my suggestion
1. when m_transactions are generated, then check product is instancable, if yes generate detailed m_transactions if m_attributesetincance_id = 0 then m_transaction will be generated 1:1 to documentlines/qty.
2. we need to create normalisation sql - i.)adjust min/max m_transaction_id for full qty then ii.)delete min m_transaction_id or another solution update m_transaction_id from document lines (m_inoutline_id, etc).




  • 20 Jun 2017, 09:01 AM
  • 08 Jun 2017, 07:43 AM
  • 05 Jun 2017, 08:23 AM



Heng Sin Low June 20, 2017 at 9:02 AM

More concise patch and added implementation for MProduction.

Norbert Bede June 8, 2017 at 7:49 AM

attached patch for main entities

as m_movement, m_inventory and m_inout
other methods eg.. m_production, cost collector not implemented yet

Norbert Bede June 5, 2017 at 8:24 AM

initial database normalisation prototype -

patch for m_inventory, m_inout, m_movement commint soon !




Tested By

Norbert Bede


Created June 1, 2017 at 9:17 AM
Updated June 20, 2017 at 9:02 AM