Re posting cost adjustment document use wrong qty
Deepak Pansheriya August 28, 2017 at 8:17 AM
Please note that cost adjustment document is considering cost qty instead of stock qty. qtybook we are using to record stock qty. is it acceptable to store qty from cost record in qtybook field for cost adjustment document?
Heng Sin Low August 28, 2017 at 1:46 AM
Hi Carlos,
Yes, seems like saving the current qty into the cost adjustment doc is the easier and safer path to go.
For existing doc, it might be possible to patch from the current qty from costdetail/costhistory.
Carlos Ruiz August 27, 2017 at 11:21 AM
Thanks @Deepak Pansheriya, analyzing this I see the cost detail document doesn't have the same quantity as the stock qty - and that's expected.
When the user is filling the cost adjustment document he can't be aware about how much is going to be posted, wondering if it would be a better idea to save the quantity in the cost adjustment document (f.e. in qtybook and qtycount) and use that for posting and re-posting - that field can be shown to user for guidance.
Opinion from @Heng Sin Low?
Re-posting Cost adjustment should use qty from cost detail. Currently it is using current qty and that cause wrong posting to asset account.
Steps to reproduce issue
(1) Create cost adjustment for a product which have stock > 0. Post cost adjustment document.
(2) Remove Stock By Physical Inventory.
(3) Re-post cost adjustment document. Posting amount will be changed to 0. which results product cost account out of balance.