Redo: add column isHTML to table ad_column sync column create packout and packout to zip file packin this file to new database
reason: when pack-in for this case have below step: 1. create a ad_column record for this column 2. sync column will create a sql to alter table ad_column
postgresql don't allow update table and alert schema at same transaction
solution: if new column is created for table ad_column, make a commit after step 1 and create a new transaction for step 2 so if 2 have issue, can't rollback 1, have to manual correct data to do 2pack again but can acceptable
Hiep Lq March 29, 2017 at 9:43 PM
AD_Column is sensitive column, rare to change. if you have reason to add something to AD_Column, let discuss to merger to core. other you can use migrate script to done your change.
add column isHTML to table ad_column
sync column
create packout and packout to zip file
packin this file to new database
when pack-in for this case have below step:
1. create a ad_column record for this column
2. sync column will create a sql to alter table ad_column
postgresql don't allow update table and alert schema at same transaction
if new column is created for table ad_column, make a commit after step 1 and create a new transaction for step 2
so if 2 have issue, can't rollback 1, have to manual correct data to do 2pack again but can acceptable