Callout Invoice and Order replace price inappropriately.


Hi, all
I am Hideaki Hagiwara.

I found that Callouts Invoice and Order replace price inappropriately.

1:Create Order Line and input product. Next, Change PriceEntered and save. Next, Close Order Window.

2:Open Order Window again. And immediately change QtyEntered that Order Line is created from the above.

3:In spite of no DiscountSchema,PriceEntered is changed by CalloutOrder.

*Context don't have Infomation of DiscountSchema just after open Order window and DiscountSchema Info in context is not refresh in spite of selecting Order changed.

*amt() method of CalloutInvoice and CallouOrder.
through the Check of if( … && !"N".equals(Env.getContext(ctx, WindowNo, "DiscountSchema")at amt() method inappropriately..

I created patch. please check it.
My patch need to Application Dictionary setting for context refresh

C_Order_ID column of C_Order table -> please set callout field to "org.compiere.model.CalloutOrder.OrderID"
C_Invoice_ID column of C_Invoice table -> please set callout field to "org.compiere.model.CalloutInvoice.invoiceID"

Thank you. 







萩原秀明 February 23, 2017 at 2:11 PM

Hi, Carlos Antonio Ruiz Gomez.
Thank you for your reply.

I also prefer for coherence on user experience.
I agree with your opinion.

"Resolution: Won't Fix" is no problem because I can change Callout if necessary.

Thanks for your concern.
See you!

Carlos Ruiz February 23, 2017 at 11:21 AM

Hi , as I understand, actually iDempiere recalculates the price every time the qty changes and your proposal here is to avoid that when the business partner doesn't have a discount schema.

First of all, I don't think this is a bug, it is the way how iDempiere works.

And about the proposal what I don't like is the different behavior the user will see based on a variable that he/she cannot see at hand when changing the qty. I mean, if the BP has a discount schema (which is not known by the user at first hand) then the qty change recalculate the price - users are used to that since compiere times. Now we would be introducing a kind of incoherent behavior (from user perspective) - sometimes the qty recalculates the prices, sometimes it doesn't and the user doesn't see easily why it behaves different.

I prefer for coherence on user experience to keep the actual behavior as it has been always.

Won't Fix







Created December 28, 2016 at 11:51 AM
Updated April 1, 2017 at 11:58 AM
Resolved February 23, 2017 at 11:21 AM