1.- Purchase Order: Line -> QtyOrdered 10 2.- Create Vendor Invoice From PO Previously Created: Line -> QtyInvoiced 3 3.- Create Receipt Material From Vendor Invoice: Line ->MovementQty 3 4.- Create Vendor Invoice From PO Previously Created: Line -> QtyInvoiced 7 5.- Reverse Vendor Invoice create in step 4 6.- Create Vendor Invoice From PO Previously Created: Line -> QtyInvoiced 7 7.- Create Receipt Material From Vendor Invoice step 6: Line ->MovementQty 3
To Complete the reception it takes wrong amounts for matchpo. Error "Total matched qty > invoiced qty."
Andres Lopez Andrade August 22, 2020 at 3:30 PM
Triaged by arlopeza
Create PO with Qty=10
Create Invoice (Vendor) from PO with Qty=3
Create Material Receipt from Invoice with Qty=3
Create Invoice (Vendor) from PO with Qty=7
Void Invoice with Qty=7
Create Invoice (Vendor) from PO with Qty=7
Create Material Receipt from Invoice step 6 with Qty=3, display error: Failed to update match po, Totalmatched qty > invoiced qty
test case :
1.- Purchase Order: Line -> QtyOrdered 10
2.- Create Vendor Invoice From PO Previously Created: Line -> QtyInvoiced 3
3.- Create Receipt Material From Vendor Invoice: Line ->MovementQty 3
4.- Create Vendor Invoice From PO Previously Created: Line -> QtyInvoiced 7
5.- Reverse Vendor Invoice create in step 4
6.- Create Vendor Invoice From PO Previously Created: Line -> QtyInvoiced 7
7.- Create Receipt Material From Vendor Invoice step 6: Line ->MovementQty 3
To Complete the reception it takes wrong amounts for matchpo. Error "Total matched qty > invoiced qty."