To reproduce the issue you need to be a System user on your iDempiere environment. Enter in Menu Window to add, adjust or made any changes on your menu. And when you need to find any cell in left side tree, you will type your sentence and hit the event to start a search. If the cell is loaded by tree sector, the search event set a focus on cell. But if the cell is not loaded, a NPE raises from system, and after this exception the focus event is called and performed as well. I've attached a screenshot of this issue that occurred on iDempiere TEST environment.
To reproduce the issue you need to be a System user on your iDempiere environment. Enter in Menu Window to add, adjust or made any changes on your menu. And when you need to find any cell in left side tree, you will type your sentence and hit the event to start a search. If the cell is loaded by tree sector, the search event set a focus on cell. But if the cell is not loaded, a NPE raises from system, and after this exception the focus event is called and performed as well.
I've attached a screenshot of this issue that occurred on iDempiere TEST environment.