Matching PO-Receipt-Invoice doesn't displaying the Vendor Return-Document
- 29 Sep 2016, 09:57 AM
- 24 Sep 2016, 07:10 AM
- 23 Sep 2016, 08:42 AM
- 20 Sep 2016, 05:30 AM
- 13 Sep 2016, 06:55 AM
Deepak Pansheriya October 14, 2016 at 6:02 AM
FYI.. Ticket created and patch attached there
Heng Sin Low September 24, 2016 at 11:15 AM
Hi Deepak,
That's beyond the scope of this ticket.
Please move the enhancement to a new ticket, thanks.
Deepak Pansheriya September 24, 2016 at 9:43 AM
This is what I told you that we were thinking on different way. As when you let me know that you fixed, we have done this so thought to attach for your review.
We added additional restriction like this
1. If selected line is MR then AP invoice are available for match
2. If selected line is Vendor return then AP credit memo are available for selection
3. If selection is for PO then MR and Vendor Returns are available for selection
4. If selection is AP invoice line then only MR lines available for selection
5. If selection is for AP credit memo then Vendor Returns lines are available for selection.
With Regards,
Heng Sin Low September 24, 2016 at 8:00 AM
Hi Deepak,
What's this patch for ? The changes here have been verified by the user and I wouldn't want to make any further changes here unless it is a bug that needs to be addressed. If it is a new enhancement, please open a new ticket for it.
Deepak Pansheriya September 24, 2016 at 7:11 AM
attached IDEMPIERE-3187-4.patch. Do you think this will be good patch?
For vendor returns, when selecting a vendor credit memo in window “Matching PO-Receipt-Invoice”, the system displays the original Material Receipt-Document in the receipt-section instead of displaying the Vendor Return-Document, and therefore, when un-matching the credit memo/receipt, the accounting facts are not posted as expected.