, isn't your patch and original statement not for Tenant, but at System level: MSysConfig.getValue("EMAIL_SENT_BY_TRADEMARK_TEXT" ?
I checked with what said and yes i think if at System level, you can change the message as its not hardcoded. Also there was an idea from before, that you can also make more localised translation, depending on company as Language can be 'Language-Co'. I attach the screen shot seems possible.
So if its OK, perhaps later i will recommend rephrase this ticket. It is not any bug, even major, but a good feature
Carlos Ruiz August 24, 2016 at 12:55 PM
I think the intention there is to promote the product, not the tenant.
Norbert Bede August 24, 2016 at 12:41 PM
thanks. our idea was make it customisable tenant level. sent by mycompany1, sent by mycompany2 etc.
Carlos Ruiz August 24, 2016 at 12:35 PM
, the message is not hardcoded - you can change the AD_Message with value = "RequestSentBy" to fulfill your request.
issue: request footer - idempiere mail
solution: use similar approach like: STANDARD_REPORT_FOOTER_TRADEMARK_TEXT - su we are able define exact system name generates e-mail.