issue: when os event happening. eg. no space left, alert stop, never try restart itself.
change: add checkbox: "Validate On Next Run"- if - true - then alert on next run set validate to yes (AD_Alert and AD_AlertRule) when run.
new element AlertValidateOnNextRun Validate On Next Run This checkbox ensure that not valid alerts (all rules with error messages) will be restarted (set valid) on next alert processor run.
Carlos Ruiz October 15, 2019 at 1:49 PM
Checked the code - as I understand the new flag is saying an alert cannot be invalidated, it will always keep retrying even if there is an error on it.
Not sure if that's a desirable case, the workaround in case the alert is invalidated by any reason is to go to the alert window and validate it again.
RedhuanO November 23, 2016 at 10:32 PM
Isn't the Invalid setting for failed SQL execution? I tested getting "dba_free_space" does not exist, which has to be corrected by the developer and then set the Rule back to Valid. The result of the SQL execution will be sent as message to notify AlertRecipient(s). Or maybe i misunderstood?
issue: when os event happening. eg. no space left, alert stop, never try restart itself.
change: add checkbox: "Validate On Next Run"- if - true - then alert on next run set validate to yes (AD_Alert and AD_AlertRule) when run.
new element
AlertValidateOnNextRun Validate On Next Run
This checkbox ensure that not valid alerts (all rules with error messages) will be restarted (set valid) on next alert processor run.