Window - Account Element error
is duplicated by
Carlos Ruiz August 6, 2016 at 8:17 PM
This is maybe for an old version, the line number reported in log doesn't match with the current code.
Please feel free to reopen if reproducible in current version.

Hiep Lq July 21, 2016 at 8:41 AM
i follow your guide but don't success.
find out other method to redo
1. use slow connect (development tool of chrome have feature to slow your connect)
2. open "Account Element"
3. while tree at "Element Value" not yet finish load, click tab "Element Value" to zoom it.
NPE happen
(it can redo for also experimence branch)
please find out condition to make sure your test case can redo. it help developer can test after fix.

David Jayadi July 20, 2016 at 10:43 AM
thx @hieplq
i test on
1. open window Account Element
2. zoom to tab Element Value
3. in field lookup typing " COst of Production"
and popup error

Hiep Lq July 20, 2016 at 10:32 AM
can you give more info about your issue?
it's easy to redo? have a stable step to redo (always redo when flow steps)?
can you redo it on demo server? can you have any modify code?
i guess your step and try in experience branch (i think it's same development branch for your issue) but can't redo it.
1. open Account Element
2. zoom to tab Element Value
3. open search dialog and type 1.
deference of your environment and me that you use 3.1 with zk 7.x. i use experience with zk-8.x

Window Account Element
Tab Element Value
Lookup: (Search 1 account element)
have error
anyone know?