Request sending out emails should get updates from replies


This refers to RequestEmailProcessor which checks incoming emails and create new Requests from them. If they are related to previous Requests, only Result field is updated.
My idea is to let each incoming reply as new Updates to related Requests. The user
can then have a threaded trail of progress of communication with the respondent(s) within the Request window.
If this feature is not desirable over the present behaviour, it can be controlled by a flag in SysConfig, i.e. "ProcessEmailAsRequestUpdates" = Y/N





RedhuanO May 31, 2016 at 8:14 AM

Yes you are right. I found out after that during testing. Sorry for not checking better.

Carlos Ruiz May 31, 2016 at 2:55 AM

, that's intentional RequestEMailProcessor just update the Result field and save the request because that must be managed by RequestEventHandler.beforeSaveRequest (see lines 188 to 211), the code there creates a new R_RequestUpdate and clears the result.

RedhuanO May 22, 2016 at 9:22 PM

Consider this to be duplicate as this will be solved by a pure plugin without touching core. I am making an after-save model validator IEventTopics.PO_AFTER_CHANGE, to detect Request.getResult.startsWith("FROM: ") as set in RequestEmailProcessor LINE 457
to post the result as RequestUpdate record.
The code is be part of the SalesLeadCRM plugin EventValidator so it is thus self-setting and plug-able.

Likewise, for a Mail Campaign that sends out emails and when those replies return, a check of PO_AFTER_NEW to MRequest.getSummary.startsWith("FROM: ") and filtering out its email address will get to its C_BPartner_ID for setting in an identifiable Request record-set.

Cannot Reproduce





Created May 20, 2016 at 10:18 AM
Updated August 1, 2016 at 11:56 AM
Resolved May 31, 2016 at 2:55 AM