some table have record with id = 0 (list at MTable.isZeroIDTable) make issue.
I. report by mindbender1: 1. login by superuse 2. go to reset pass window 3. set "force change on login" 4. log out and login by System, will go to change password window 5. after input info and save it. a exception is show
II. MRecentItem will don't create for record 0 of this tables
III. when save record 0 of this tables, it use direct sql, don't use PO object, so every validate in before save, after save, even handle is by pass
Carlos Ruiz February 17, 2016 at 2:34 PM
Committed a fix for the first issue reported.
The others I think is by design - zero ID records are special records that JJ created for some special purposes - I don't like them but we need to cope with that. Are on System and not intended to be maintained heavily.
Carlos Ruiz
John Chijioke Umeasiegbu February 4, 2016 at 5:48 PM
I can confirm that your report is consistent. Thanks.
some table have record with id = 0 (list at MTable.isZeroIDTable) make issue.
I. report by mindbender1:
1. login by superuse
2. go to reset pass window
3. set "force change on login"
4. log out and login by System, will go to change password window
5. after input info and save it. a exception is show
II. MRecentItem will don't create for record 0 of this tables
III. when save record 0 of this tables, it use direct sql, don't use PO object, so every validate in before save, after save, even handle is by pass