Centre panel display of WF Activity cannot be expanded to show well. Setting VFlex to 'min' solved it. Patch attached. Screenshot shows desired capability to adjust.
01 Feb 2016, 02:21 AM
01 Feb 2016, 02:21 AM
RedhuanO February 17, 2016 at 3:43 PM
I can reproduce because its just a scroller and the bottom panel stretches up covering empty space BUT you are right only when i bring in the right side of the browser closer - the scroll bar disappear and the bottom empty panel does not happen. So it is a simple tweak of the window's right border to smaller. Since it solvable from POV, I will close this ticket then.
Carlos Ruiz February 17, 2016 at 3:29 PM
@RedhuanO, I cannot reproduce the issue, in my tests the center panel can be resized, and it has a scrollbar at right. When applying your patch the scrollbar disappears, which is an undesirable effect.
Centre panel display of WF Activity cannot be expanded to show well. Setting VFlex to 'min' solved it. Patch attached. Screenshot shows desired capability to adjust.