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When a MatchPO fails, normally with a message like
Total matched invoiced qty > ordered qty. MatchedInvoicedQty=6.0, OrderedQty=5, Line=MOrderLine[1008394, Line=20, Ordered=5, Delivered=0, Invoiced=1, Reserved=5, LineNet=64.40]
the transaction isn't rolled back but is left hanging. This means that all involved tables can't be updated and the whole system hangs after a while.
Now I regularly kill the idle transactions to solve the problem. The problem occurs when the Matching PO-Receipt-Invoice form is used.
OK. I'll try Before I changed my code it happened all the time on two different clients.
I checked and those lines are also on 2.1 - integrated by @Hiep Lq with ticket
Maybe try to reproduce following same steps and if reproducible please post how to do it.
I never checked version 3.x. Did you try on 2.x? Perhaps it's fixed in 3.x? I'm running some 2.x versions and the patch is for 2.x.
Hi @Daniel Tamm, I was not able to reproduce the issue - in my tests the exception is captured on
try{ if (createMatchRecord(invoice, M_InOutLine_ID, Line_ID, BigDecimal.valueOf(qty), innerTrxName)) innerTrx.commit(); else innerTrx.rollback(); }catch(Exception ex){ innerTrx.rollback(); throw new AdempiereException(ex); }finally{ innerTrx.close(); innerTrx = null; }
rolled back and closed.
Carlos Ruiz
And also patch:
When a MatchPO fails, normally with a message like
Total matched invoiced qty > ordered qty. MatchedInvoicedQty=6.0, OrderedQty=5, Line=MOrderLine[1008394, Line=20, Ordered=5, Delivered=0, Invoiced=1, Reserved=5, LineNet=64.40]
the transaction isn't rolled back but is left hanging. This means that all involved tables can't be updated and the whole system hangs after a while.
Now I regularly kill the idle transactions to solve the problem. The problem occurs when the Matching PO-Receipt-Invoice form is used.