sometime i want define a table A, this table will reference to table A1, A2. i also make a unique constraint of A include (A1key, A2key), because i want a constraint A reference column in A1, A2 or null.
in AD of idempiere i can define composite key by set isParent = true at A1key, A2Key. but it will can't update A in case A1 or A2 = null. attach is patch for it.
for next improve, i think idempiere should scan unique constraint to get key before try use isParent columns
sometime i want define a table A, this table will reference to table A1, A2.
i also make a unique constraint of A include (A1key, A2key),
because i want a constraint A reference column in A1, A2 or null.
in AD of idempiere i can define composite key by set isParent = true at A1key, A2Key.
but it will can't update A in case A1 or A2 = null.
attach is patch for it.
for next improve, i think idempiere should scan unique constraint to get key before try use isParent columns