Requests are showing up on the wrong person's calendar
Actually the dashboard calendar is showing requests if the logged user is referenced in the request as sales rep OR contact OR createdBy.
The purpose of this ticket is to make it configurable adding a SysConfig key called CALENDAR_REQUEST_DISPLAY_MODE at Client level to allow client to configure the requests to be display in the calendar.
C = Created By S = Sales Rep U = User/Contact
By default, it is set to CSU, it will display the requests in the calendar if the logged in user is the Sales Rep, user/Contact or Created By. Set it to SU if you would like to show requests where the Sales Rep or User/Contact is the logged in user.
Actually the dashboard calendar is showing requests if the logged user is referenced in the request as sales rep OR contact OR createdBy.
The purpose of this ticket is to make it configurable adding a SysConfig key called CALENDAR_REQUEST_DISPLAY_MODE at Client level to allow client to configure the requests to be display in the calendar.
C = Created By
S = Sales Rep
U = User/Contact
By default, it is set to CSU, it will display the requests in the calendar if the logged in user is the Sales Rep, user/Contact or Created By. Set it to SU if you would like to show requests where the Sales Rep or User/Contact is the logged in user.