make all url as properties let idempiere can total material with offline repository

Hiep Lq December 26, 2015 at 9:35 AM
sorry , it just work with eclipse + buckminster.
very hard to pass proxy info to buckminster headless.
it's lack feature, discus at:
i happy to stay with artifactory
Carlos Ruiz December 25, 2015 at 10:57 PM
great , if it worked for you we can install squid in
any instructions that you can share for guidance?

Hiep Lq December 25, 2015 at 8:16 AM
my wrong. i use a wrong url, so it will download a html not zip file.
i think use a web proxy as squid is good choose, it's great when we learn it and just configuration to cache what we want.

Hiep Lq December 15, 2015 at 3:35 PM
suggest other option, use a proxy as squid. I think it's great idea for people family with this kind of cache.
for this kind of configuration have to consider to new file don't override old file when cache buffer is near full.
I try play with squid as guide at
maybe i wrong at configuration, but has two issue:
+ it don't cache at all
+ file that download by copyjar always complain as invalidate zip file.

Neil G December 13, 2015 at 7:08 AM
> i try to make a wiki, but i hand up. so crazy with wiki editor and my English
Just an idea: why not do the wiki in Vietnamese, and maybe someone will translate it?
now, every time we do materialize to build in jenkins or setup a new workspace.
we need a internet connection and wait for long time (about 20 minute)
this ticket will help us easy switch to offline repository.